SONYA'S STORY: The Parents Express Their Gratitude


Going through surrogacy as a means of having a child was a singularly pivotal journey for both myself and my husband. Before we started down this road, neither of us had even imagined it would be how we would have a family of our own, nor could we remotely imagine how the process would unfold. We now reflect on the past couple years, and are so grateful to have been able to do this and to learn and grow the way we did.

We feel so blessed to have met Sonya, our surrogate, who was so crucial in making our dreams of having a family come true.

We met Sonya through Meryl, and immediately were impressed with her maturity which came through during our first Skype chat with her. It’s daunting to entrust a stranger with carrying your child, and you hope and pray that she will care for the baby as if it were her own. As we got to know her more, it became clear that Sonya was that person and that she was sincerely committed to helping us achieve our dreams of being parents. As our pregnancy progressed, we grew to appreciate the depths of her altruism and her fortitude. She was always communicative with us, and we felt she was committed to having us be as involved as possible in the pregnancy. She helped to make what was at times a nerve-racking experience for us, to be absolutely positive. Really, what developed was a relationship that was unexpectedly and organically sweet, and we grew to care for her deeply.

Like Family

When our son was born, we spent a few days with Sonya and her family, and our connection deepened further. We were all so moved to be part of our child’s seemingly miraculous birth— this meeting of strangers who now felt like family. It was a powerful feeling for us, one we will always cherish and never forget. This journey led to our child being born, and it also led to a lifelong friendship.

(Read Sonya’s Story: Why Become A Surrogate)

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