SURROGACY AFTER CANCER: Bethesda Magazine features a family formed with help from ARTparenting and a loving sister.


Randi Fishman was only 28 when she found out she had breast cancer the first time. After a recurrence, doctors advised her never to get pregnant. With the assistance of Shady Grove Fertility and ARTparenting's surrogacy program, she and her husband Zach were able to have their first daughter. Happily, Randi’s sister Erin became the second gestational surrogate to give birth for Randi and Zach. Read the full story, Family Ties in Bethesda Magazine. Warning: This is a moving story of how sisters are there for each other — no matter what life brings. It is a story of love and it may make you cry.

Randi and Zach Turn to Shady Grove Fertility and ARTparenting’s Surrogacy Program

If you’re looking into gestational surrogacy to have a child, visit our page, How it Works: Our Complete Surrogacy Program, to find out what ARTparenting can offer you.